These corners go from VIN 20-117902 (first non barndoor) up to VIN 351735 (29/04/1958) and are for bubble and small flat taillights.
Bubble & flat small taillight corners only have a round hole for perfect taillight fit.
We like to point out that the small flat round taillight was a European thing only, and have only been used on post barndoor buses with semaphores. Never been officially exported to USA, Canada or Guatemala. The corners, thank God, are for both model taillights exactly the same.
this corner is about the same as for barndoor, only the belt line of a barndoor has a slightly different radius and a barndoor has an extra pressing below for the reflector, so with some good will this corner can perfectly be used for barndoor, but needs some modification.
Will fit the following vehicles
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